Infinix has launched INBook X2 Slim, the company’s latest laptop in India. It has a 16-inch FHD screen and comes in three processor variants 11th gen i3 (8GB + 256 GB | 8GB + 512 GB), i5 (16GB + 512GB | 16GB + 1TB), and the top-end i7 (16GB + 512 GB | 16GB + 1TB). It features an Aluminium alloy finish weighing 1.24kg and is just 14.8mm thin.
The laptop has an HD camera, backlit keyboard, two speakers with DTS audio processing, and promises up to 10 hours of video playback with the 50Wh battery. The 65W Type C fast charger can charge the laptop up to 60% in about 55 minutes.
Infinix INBook X2 Slim Specifications
14-inch (1920 x 1080 pixels) Full HD display with 100 % RGB, 72% NTSC, 300 nits brightness
3GHz 11th Gen Intel Core i3 – 1115G4 processor with Intel UHD Graphics, 2.5 GHz 11th Gen Intel Core i5 – 1155G7 / 2.9 GHz Core i7 – 1195G7 Processor with Iris Xe Graphics
8GB / 16GB LPDDR4X, 256 GB / 512 GB / 1TB NVMe PCIe 3.0 SSD
Windows 11 Home
720P HD Webcam, Dual–Star LED fill lights
Wi Fi 6 802.11 ax (2.4 GHz and 5GHz), 1 x USB – C (supports charging and data transfer) 1 x USB – C (exclusively for data transfer) 2 x USB 3.0 1 x HDMI 1.4, 1 x SD card slot
Dimensions: 323.3 x 211.1 x 14.8 mm Weight: 1.24 Kg
3.5 mm headphone/microphone jack, stereo speakers, two digital microphones, DTS audio processing
50Wh battery with 65W PD 3.0 Type C fast charging upto 10h of video playback
Pricing and Availability
Inifinix INBook X2 Slim comes in Red, Green, Silver, and Blue colors. It is priced at Rs. 29,990 for the 8GB + 256 GB i3 model and the 8GB + 512 i3 model cost Rs. 31,990. With discounts, these will be available for Rs. 27,990 and Rs. 30,990
The 16GB + 512GB i5 model costs Rs. 38,990 and the 16GB + 1TB i5 model is priced at Rs. 40,990. The 16GB + 512GB i7 model costs Rs. 48,990 and the top-end 16GB + 1 TB i7 model is priced at Rs. 50,990. It will be available from Flipkart starting from June 9th